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Incentives Available For Southern California Edison Customers

Rapid Rebate Program for dust collection systems

There is no better time than NOW if you're considering the installation of Ecogate's energy-saving on-demand system. Why?

Southern California Rebates

Southern California Edison (SCE), in partnership with Willdan, is offering rebates for dust collection systems with fans in the range of 15HP up to 150HP. Their new Rapid Rebate Program, which is offering rebates from $1,322 to $13,436, is designed to help customers realize their energy savings sooner. Note that Rapid Rebates are paid on a per-unit basis after installation, and projects require pre-purchase approval.

Process Overview

Rebate Process Overview

If you would like assistance, Ecogate is here to help every step of the way. We work with all US/Canada utility companies, and they usually accept our engineering measurements and calculations which often makes this whole process even quicker.


To be eligible, the customer must:

  1. Have an active SCE service account.

  2. Use more than 20kW monthly.

  3. Pay the public purposes program charge on their utility bill.

Projects must meet all of the following requirements in order to qualify for rebates:

  1. The customer must have an existing electrically operated fixed-speed fan installed on-site or plans to install a new electrically operated fixed-speed fan.

  2. The existing baghouse, fan, and motor must be in proper operating condition.

  3. The baghouse fan motor must be compatible with a variable speed drive (VSD). (Motors that are compatible with VSDs vary by manufacturer. Compatible motors may be labeled as inverter duty, VSD ready, or have insulation classification F.)

  4. There must be no previous VSD or failed VSD installed on the baghouse's existing fan motor.

  5. The installed VSD must be controlled based on static pressure, airflow rate (cfm), or velocity at the lowest required rate to keep particles suspended in the air stream.

  6. The VSD is recommended to meet requirements as specified by IEEE Standard 519-2014.

  7. For fan motors larger than 50 hp, the fan/blower must not be designed as a high-pressure blower. High-pressure blowers have designed capacities of less than 150 cfm per rated horsepower.

  8. For applications with fan motors rated at 50 HP or less, the facility must have a NAICS Code within one of the following ranges: 211120 to 213115 or 311000 to 339999

  9. For fan motors rated above 50 hp and up to 150 hp, the facility must have a NAICS Code within the following range: 311000 to 311999

  10. Program Exclusions: This measure cannot be used for the following fan applications: HVAC fan, An individual fan motor rated less than 15 hp or higher than 150 hp, a two-speed fan motor, or a fan motor with an existing VSD.


Dust Collection Rebates


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