greenBOX Unboxed i8: Programmable Relays
Ecogate has developed the Adelie Programming Language (ADL) to allow users to program relay contacts, digital inputs, warnings, errors, and status lights in the new generation of greenBOX control units.
ADL enables users to assign any internal system status as the value for relay functionality and combine multiple sources and values using logical functions (Or, And, Nor, Nand, Not).
Timers can be triggered by signal up edge, down edge, or both, allowing for precise control of relay contact duration.
The relay programming functionalities are available in greenBOX software version 8.5.0 from August 19, 2024.
The document provides examples of how to use ADL to program relay behavior based on system status, including using logical functions and timers.
Unlocking Ultimate Control: Introducing ADL for greenBOX Programming
At Ecogate, we've spent over 25 years refining on-demand dust collection systems, and we understand that each user has unique needs for their greenBOX control system's relay contacts. While the greenBOX Nxt offered predefined relay functions, we've taken a giant leap forward with the new generation of Adelie greenBOX control units (the newest generation models).
Our goal is to empower you with true programmability of relay contacts, greenBOX digital inputs, warnings, errors, and status lights. To achieve this, we've created the Adelie Programming Language (ADL). ADL allows you to leverage any internal system status (Idle, Running, Cleaning, Manual Mode, System Error, etc.) as the VALUE for relay functionality.
Moreover, you can combine multiple SOURCES and their VALUES by using logical functions (Or, And, Nor, Nand, Not) selected easily from the listboxes. As greenBOX controls multiple dust collecting systems, the SOURCE can be chosen from all existing systems.
For instance, if you want relay contact # 1 to start the transport fan that must run whenever any system controlled by greenBOX is operating, you can select from the listboxes:
System # 1 Status is Running
System # 2 Status is Running
System # 3 Status is Running
How greenBOX Software Updates Work
Upon selecting these options, the greenBOX user interface instantly sends this configuration to the control kernel, activating this function.
Furthermore, you can employ timers that can be triggered by signal up edge, down edge, or both. This allows you to close a relay contact by a specific functionality for a predefined duration, such as 2 seconds.
The relay programming functionalities are available in greenBOX software version 8.5.0 from Aug 19, 2024 and later.

In this example Relay # 1 is On when Desktop Factory system is at “On Delay” status, Relay # 2 is On when Desktop Factory system is at “Running” status, Relay # 3 is On when Desktop Factory system is at “Cleaning” status, and Relay # 4 is On when the Desktop Factory system is at “Delay Off” status.
More Programming Examples
As a reminder, the greenBOX Nxt board has one interface board with four relays (three NO contacts and one NO/NC contact), with a contact rating of 24V DC or AC, max. 1A. The greenBOX Max has two interface boards and eight programmable relays, all of which can be programmed as described in this document.
All system names defined in the greenBOX are available under Source:

In this example Relay # 4 is On when Desktop Factory system is at “Running” status or F510 & EGMotor system status is “Running” or when VACON & Real Gate system status is “Running”.
In Summary Relay # 4 contact will be closed if any of these systems are running.
The maximum number of triggers is ten, but this limit includes operators and edge triggers. For simplicity, consider using a maximum of seven triggers.
For all Status Values you can choose “is” or “is not”, for example “is running” or “is not running”:

System Status Values and Timers
Here is the list of all system status Values available for relay functionality:

The EDGE TIMER allows you to generate a relay contact pulse of a specific length. This pulse can be triggered by a Rising Edge, a Falling Edge, or both.

In this example Relay # 1 contact will be closed for 2 seconds when the status of the Desktop Factory System will change to “Running”. This is a typical starting pulse (simulating a person pressing Start button) for the dust collector.
This is the list of all logical functions available for combinations of Triggers:

We believe our user interface is simple enough for any on-demand dust collecting user, yet still offers ultimate programmability.
The greenBOX control kernel now provides these functions for digital inputs, custom warnings and errors, and status LED lights. In the future, we will introduce listboxes similar to those used for relay programming to configure these features. We also plan to support analog values with evaluation operators (> , < , = etc.). Please stay tuned for updates and share any suggestions you have for improving these functionalities.
Do you have an idea for a new software feature for your greenBOX? Share it with us, and it might be included in a future update.